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Foods, Drinks and Spices that Cause Smelly Urine

Certain foods and drinks can cause your urine to smell bad. Fortunately, in most cases the smell is harmless and goes away within a day or two.  


Read on to learn more about the common foods, drinks and spices that can cause smelly pee.

Cruciferous Vegetables (Broccoli, Cauliflower, etc.)

Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, can sometimes cause urine to have an unusual or foul odor.

Chilies and Other Spicy Foods


Eating foods that are naturally spicy, such as chili peppers, can make you have foul smelling urine, especially if you eat them in large quantities.



Garlic is another food that can cause your pee to smell bad, especially when eaten in large quantities or when eaten raw. It contains sulfuric substances that smell unpleasant to the human nose.

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