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Many of the toxins found in tobacco are excreted in urine, which can cause smelly pee. Carbon monoxide in particular is one component of cigarette smoke that can cause foul smelling urine.


The best way to get rid of stinky urine caused by smoking or chewing tobacco is to quit or at least cut back.  Doing so would reduce or eliminate the chemicals your body is trying to remove- the ones that make your urine smell bad (especially carbon monoxide).  Everyone knows that quitting smoking is difficult, though.


Smoking and Stinky Urine

If quitting isn't an option, take Urifresh.  It neutralizes the odors in substances that cause stinky urine.  You can buy it on or through  

Luckily, there are many options for reducing your exposure to cigarette smoke.  You might consider:


  • Quitting the old-fashioned way- going cold turkey;


  • Cutting back on how many cigarettes you smoke;


  • Replacing some or all of your usual cigarettes with nicotine gum or using a nicotine patch;


  • Using an electronic cigarette;


  • Trying a prescription medication for smoking cessation.

Urifresh: Gets Rid of Foul Smelling Urine


Urifresh is an all-natural capsule you can take daily to get rid of or prevent stinky urine.  CLICK HERE to find out more about Urifresh and to order.

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