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Smoking and Stinky Urine

Nicotine Patches

The nicotine patch is probably one of the greatest inventions for anyone wanting to quit smoking.  The patch is simple and very effective, and comes in multi-level doses, so it doesn’t matter if you smoke a few cigarettes each day or 100, there is an effective dose and level-plan for you.  The patch works by

Nicotine Gum


Similar to the patch, nicotine gum is a slow-release agent that you chew like gum.  It will give you your nicotine fix, just like the patch, without you having to actually smoke a cigarette.  This is very good if the act of smoking is what is keeping you from quitting for good.  Be careful, however, many people find themselves quitting smoking only to start chewing nicotine gum on a regular basis.

More Methods for Quitting Smoking


There are many alternative ways to quit smoking.  Many people swear by hypnosis, while still others contend that acupuncture is the right way to go.  Even deep-breathing exercises might be the right approach for you.  Yet still others turn to the pharmaceutical option when it comes to quitting smoking.  There are many drugs out there that are known to help, such as Zyban, although they need to be prescribed by a doctor.  There are many different options out there.

being applied directly onto your skin.  Each patch will usually last for 24 hours, and smokers have reported that it cuts their cravings down substantially.  Some people have reported strange dreams while wearing it, however.


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