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Certain foods, drinks and spices cause smelly pee.  If this is the cause of your stinky urine problem, one solution is to simply avoid the offending substance. 

The most notorious food that causes foul smelling urine is asparagus.  While it is great for your health, it can leave you with an unusual odor in your urine for a day or two.  The odor is often described as being like sulfur or rotten cabbage. The odor in urine caused by eating asparagus is completely normal and will go away naturally in about one day. 


Next time you get an asparagus craving, try these tricks to lessen the strong smell in your urine:

Select large stalks of asparagus.  They contain less of the sulfuric compounds that make your pee stink than the thinner stalks do.

Add fresh lemon juice to your asparagus right before eating it.  Some say the acidity of the lemon juice balances out the substances in asparagus that cause foul-smelling urine.

Take Urifresh beforehand to neutralize the odor before it ever leaves your body.  You can buy it on

Asparagus and Stinky Urine

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