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Vaginal yeast infections can cause a foul odor that seems as though it is coming from urine when in actuality, it is coming from the vagina. Yeast infections can also cause itching, burning and soreness in the genital area. 

Yeast infections are easily treated with over-the-counter vaginal creams, however, many other conditions can have the same symptoms as a yeast infection.  To find out if your symptoms are caused by a yeast infection or some other condition, you should see your doctor to get a definitive diagnosis.

Yeast Infections and Stinky Urine


Causes of Yeast Infections


Yeast isn’t all bad, and it normally resides in your vagina, just in small numbers.  A yeast infection occurs when you’ve got too many of these fungi present.  Some of the causes of this include:

 High estrogen levels, sometimes caused by pregnancy;

 Your period can bring on additional yeast;

 Medications;

 Hormones;

 Stress;

 Not enough sleep;

 Poor diet;

 Common illness;

 HIV or AIDS.


How To Get Rid of a Yeast Infection


There are three easy ways to get rid of a yeast infection:

 Creams that you can buy over the counter are a great option.  They include such popular brands as Monistat and Vagisil.

 Tablets are another option, and they include fluconazole if you’re pregnant.

 Ointments or even suppositories.  These can be rubbed on or inserted.

Be careful with medicated creams, however.  If you don’t have a yeast infection but are using anti-fungal creams, your body could become resistant to them and then they won’t help you when trouble really does occur down there.


How To Prevent a Yeast Infection




No woman who has ever experienced a yeast infection wants to go through that ordeal again.  There are many things you can do today to minimize a recurrence.

 Clean your vagina regularly;

 Always wipe from front-to-back after urinating.  This way you won’t be getting any bacteria from your anus near your vagina.

 Wear underwear regularly.  Bacteria love to flourish on your well-worn jeans or slacks.

 Don’t wear tight clothes too often, as this can lead to a moisture buildup, a prime thriving ground for bacteria.

 Get out of those wet swim clothes pronto.  Again, moisture is the problem here.

 Change tampons often.

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